Monday, October 10, 2011


Lets talk about information made to seem important. Once upon a time in ancient history, useless stuff was nearly the exclusive prerogative of rags like The National Enquirer and their predecessors. We seem to have always been fascinated with the rich and famous. If we’ve ever seen one, we report that important news to everyone we know. I’ve done it too. When I was traveling to committee meetings from Canada to New York I often saw … (wait a minute. That’s not what this is about).

It seems that the trivial and useless is reported in almost every news format except Meet The Press. But no one watches that, do they? I’m not really going to attack this, just point out that it feels like half the “news” is useless.

I am on Yahoo and each time I get on line the first I see is “news” stories with photos or news clips. The serious news is listed below the photos. This seems to be a suggestion as to what is important.

A few of today’s hot news pieces were a cast reunion for Home Improvement with photos of the cast then and now. OK. Some are more successful than others.

Free Stuff would be helpful, I thought. I knew most of it except for where to get chocolate once a month, but I shouldn’t have that and I would have to endure heavy-handed pitches to buy, buy, buy.

Beyonce appears to have ripped off some other video for her latest. Solomon said it best - there is nothing new under the sun.

Lebron James has a new shoe {why do they say that since he only has his name on them) and they have a military theme. Yeah! Wow! Cool? No one should spend that much on shoes, but apparently this is very important. I want to know if the manufacture paid for this publicity.

I’m sure many of you want to know that Halloween costumes this year seem to copy “stars.” No the sky kind of star, silly.

Dr. Pepper snubs women. Who cares? It tastes like medicine anyway.

Hank Williams Jr. has attacked FOX and ESPN for firing him. Apparently he has the right to verbally attack the president of the United States even when representing and being paid to perform by someone who does not share his opinion – at least not publically.

Whoops got to move. My director is telling me I’m running out of time and to speed it up.

Amada Knox went shopping today. Successful people over 60 are still successful. Photos of Clinton, Dolly Parton and Michael Douglas.

Netflix will not make customers using streaming and DVD to long on to separate Internet sites.

The top ten best ever movie cars appeared. At least they included the deLorean from Back to the Future, my personal favorite.

Kim Kardashion … who cares. Get her out of here. There ought to be a law.

Previous politicians have also make verbal blunders in debates. Really. No tell me it isn’t true. Shocking. Unbelievable. I thought they were perfect. I guess they should be more like us, huh!

I‘m hurrying. Be patient Mr. Director, these are important. Give me extra time. Lets cut into 20/20’s time. They are just talking about war. This is important.

There are several homes for sale where famous people have slept. Cool. Are they still there? Who was Teddy Roosevelt (joking)?

Jessica Simpson is reverting to her old look. You mean she had a new one. Go figure.

Not all health food is good for you. Then why do they call it health food? Bad choice of words. They should be more perfect like me.

And finally, but not least, Julia Roberts was not popular in High School. Poor thing.

Now, help me out. Is California part of the USA? Was our first president George Burns – no he was God. How can I make change if the power goes out at McDonalds?

These stars are important. What would I watch if it wasn’t for them?

I for one am glad we can keep up with these important stories. Did someone say something about a sit in? Wasn’t that something from our ancient past? Why are they dragging up that old news?


Tim Cummings said...

Clyde, you will probably remember when nightly news went from 15 minutes to a whole half hour back in the early '60s. Now we have the same amount of news spread over a 24-hour period. Kinda watery.

Clyde said...

How'd you know I was that old? I actually thing the news has dropped to 10-11 minutes. We have a station of a Seattle the advertises "11 at 11" Eleven minutes of news at 11:00 o'clock. Not all of that is even news and after 11 minutes none of it is news.