Things are changing and I don’t understand what is going on or why. It all seems to be happening so fast. There are some reasons, but not enough.
I have changed how I eat. I have increased the quantity of vegetables and am trying to have fruit everyday. I’m not always successful at these, but I make it most days. I am eating less meat. That change is not intentional, I just can’t get that much down any more.
I am losing some weight. It is averaging out to just slightly less than one pound a week. I’m down 6 ½ pounds just shy of eight weeks. Compared to what needs to happen, it is a drop in the bucket. I am not bragging, just reporting. My counselor said we would start working on weight loss in the new-year. I think I have a jump start.
I was completely out of clean pants (since so few fit) on Sunday so dug into the back of my closet for a pair the next size smaller. I expected they would be tight, but maybe I could make it through the services before changing into sweats. They fit. They were comfortable! I was shocked! I looked in the mirror and it doesn’t look like I have shrunk in way but height. About ten days ago I was aware that I walked two blocks without any leg or hip pain. Haven’t done that in awhile. Was shopping yesterday and walked a lot. No pain. Huh! That’s hard to believe.
I have reported that I have been fearful to begin drawing lest my hand would shake too much and I would not have control of the pencils. I knew I was going to have to try sometime. The shaking is very minor and it is not showing in the drawings at all. Yeah! I have a minimum of six new drawing I want to do of Old Town for a November show. If possible I have want to do two more of Seabeck that I would like to complete. And hoping to make a little money from some of the drawings and cards, I also want to get some new Christmas Cards together. I tried humorous cards last year and those didn’t work. I have already done three cards using the park in Old Town as a background. I hope they aren’t too artsy. They have full color Christmas decorations set in several different places in the park. They don’t decorate the park so this will look different. This work is all from photos.
I also attempted to make a craft ornament today that failed miserably. Crash and burn is more like it. Back to the drawing board. If I keep a steady pace I can get this all done. I have more fun when there is some pressure and a deadline. The show and sale is November 18-19. Then I immediately take my work to a Christmas show for Old Town From Nov. 22-Dec. 24.
I am off tomorrow to a free health fair in Poulsbo to see what I can find out about getting my really bad tooth fixed and cheap hearing aids. This may sound strange, but I think I would rather be deaf than sink $6,000 into hearing aids. Of course, it only took the salesman 20 minutes to get that cost down to $3,000. Ticks me off. Why didn’t he start there? I still didn’t feel like I was getting a deal. He signed me up for a health credit card that I believed allowed for a cheaper rate. What a sucker. I don’t consider 26.86% a very good deal at all. I have a card with a rate lower than halve that, but I am not going into that kind of debt.
After the health fair, I will rush back to town for my grandson’s soccer game. Because of the health fair, I will miss my Granddaughters game. I feel bad about that.
It is going to be busy the next several weeks, but it will be fun. I am so encouraged. Quite a sudden change, huh? Well, we can’t be discouraged forever. Besides I don’t take depression pills and if that pops up my doctor will want to prescribe at least three for that problem. He must get a kick back on those prescriptions.
Thanks for the update! - lew
Way to go on the weight loss, that's huge!! A pound a week is great and your happy about it. Yea that some older cloths fit!!! That just happened for me too!! A money saver!!
Keep up the walking and I told you the little shaking in the hand wasn't going to hurt your drawing!
God Bless, John W.
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