Monday, October 17, 2011


Well, I found my drivers license today. This may surprise you, but it was right where I left it. Right where it should be. Right where I had looked for it several times. Not only am I going deaf, I guess I am going blind (I am – sort of).

I was at Safeway buying a pie for Charlie for our Tuesday Bible Study tomorrow. At the self-checkout I went to scan my Safeway card and the system went crazy. It beeped, screeched, and growled and brought the clerk on duty running. I rubbed my Safeway card and in so doing found my license stuck to the back of that card. When asked by the attendant what happened, I asked if she was aware that one cannot scan their license on the Safeway checkout scanners. She does now.

I really do not know how it got back in my wallet. I had done nothing about the license hoping that the person who may have found it would mail it back to me. Surprisingly, it did not come in the mail. Go figure.

I am quite sure it was the evil wallet bug that decided to hide my license. At least he didn’t steal it.

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