I was watching Sunday Morning on CBS this morning as I was getting g ready for church. This is my favorite news magazine show. The depth and variety of their stories had great appeal to me.
One story this morning was on the sit in on Wall Street and that is spreading to other cities. There is one currently in Seattle. I was listening to Michael Medvid interview a leader of the movement is in the early stages of their protest. He repeatedly asked the question I wanted answered, what do you want. In a thirty-minute interview that question was never answered.
We learned they wanted to talk. We learned they wanted change. We learned they wanted to communicate. We learned they were sick and tired of the status quo. We learned they wanted an exchange of ideas. That fellow could say nothing is more words than a politician.
I picked up a little more this morning. The banks are gouging the citizens. Corporations got bailed out to the determent of the average person. The haves get richer while the have-nots get poorer. Wall Street, the banks and big corporations have bought the politicians to advance their own greed. The middle class is shrinking. We are returning to the days of the robber barons that got rich on the backs of the poor by not paying a living wage. We learned a lot of what we already know, but I still heard no plan of attack. I still do not know what they want to accomplish. I am not even sure how they want things changed.
I do not disagree with their premise. I still remember the congressman advocating for a raise for his group complaining that he cannot live on $178,000. I know it is likely much more costly to live in DC, but I bet I could do in on half of that and still have a good life. Especially if I got all the freebies they get and will get even when voted out of office. I also remember the congresswoman (who makes $178,000) saying social security recipients do not need any more money. Ha! She believes the government does and gives too much to the people.
That may be true, but it was government’s idea to do take our money and then maybe gives it back to us “when we need it.” It was their idea to get us hooked on the provision and then throw us to the curb. Sounds like drug dealers to me.
To be honest, I don’t believe the government should have ever tried to be the parent of us all. But they started it and we will march in the streets if they try to take our candy away. Maybe what they give us is a perceived favor. I don’t really know. I do know I have not even come close yet to getting back what they took from me. So yes, I see social security as my money — not theirs to loan out to themselves and not pay back.
Reminds me of the parent who promised they would pay for their child’s college education and then gambled it all away convinced they easily win it all back and get even more. I want the government to stop gambling with our money. I want big business to care about the economy and their workers to pay a living wage, provide a quality product at a fair price and reduce their own obscene wages and bonuses.
We are certainly returning to the days of the Vanderbilt’s, Rockefeller’s and Carnegie’s. These “humanitarians” build monuments to themselves with their money while fighting compassionate responses to their employees at every turn. Where is the shared wealth with the little people who keep the business going? Yes, it happens. Yes it is being done. But others are gouging, taking advantage of and mistreating the very people that made their wealth possible.
Does a Microsoft or Apple product really need the to be so expensive? Do they have to charge the price the d0 (I support a free market} what they do for their goods? (Just an example). It is not possible that some of the incredible wealth being made by companies like this could not lead to a reduction in price? The theory is that it is suppose to happen.
I remember the days when we believed we would live in a cashless society. With the advent of debit cards that is nearly possible. Banks invest our money making a profit off our money. They charge the retailer for the privilege of using the charge service and now want to charge us again if we use the very item they almost demanded we use because of the convenience. Go figure.
There is a lot wrong with the financial structures of our country. Maybe sitting on Wall Street will bring about good change. I don’t know. I do know that is you are going to camp out on the street you have better figure out where the restrooms are that they will let you use.
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