Saturday, October 1, 2011


How is it that two people can stand in nearly the same place and see and hear completely different things? I know that when the police investigate an accident they doubt the truth of it all if all witnesses say the same thing. However, accidents develop quickly, happen rapidly and often get attention as the event is in process.

Yesterday I was given a completely different story as to how the conflict between Chas and CW had developed. I had never heard this one before. I was told Chas spoke in a way as to antagonize CW before the verbal explosion on the front poach occurred back in July. At that time I only heard CW screaming, swearing and threatening Chas if he did not stop stealing his girlfriends. What a joke. All Chas was doing was driving in CW’s direction with the intent of going in the other building. At least that is what he said.

At that time Chas said nothing. At least that is how I saw and heard it. Yesterday I was told a story that seemed absolutely absurd, from my perspective. In spite of being called a know-it-all and one who thinks of myself as always being right (in this case I do), I am very aware of my shortcomings and inadequacies. For example: I have no ability to even discuss brain surgery, as interesting as that may be.

We could not even agree to disagree. Marie argued that this whole conflict between the Chas and CS was started by Chas who mocked him relentlessly about girlfriends and his inability to ever get even one. I argued that never happened, and I did it based on Chas personality and the likelihood that he would do that. Naturally I had no personal knowledge. I could have been wrong, but doubted it. I also stood up for Chas based on who was telling the story and the fact that the over two plus months I have never ever heard that rumor. Maria told me that she had never spoken to anyone about it. From personal experience and her hatred of Chas I seriously doubted she could have kept a story like that o herself. It’s just too juicy. I’m just saying!

Maria said that when the first major conflict developed (my timeline) at our Thursday night BBQ, she moved closer to the fight and heard things I never heard. I know my hearing is going, but CW was screaming and when Chas is upset he can be heard at great distances. Chas said nothing, turned about and came back toward the BBQ. His started intention was that he was going to the other building to see if one person was coming to our event. He stopped dead in is tracks and returned. Maria informed me that the person he claimed he was going to see never came to the BBQs - ever. That was for sure wrong. I always did the cooking and I spoke to her con several occasions, cooked some of her meat and helped her carry over food items she was bring to the BBQ. My hearing my be declining and I might be at the beginning stages of blurry sight, but at that time, my eyeglass prescription was still right and I saw just fine, thank you. And I told her so.

I even had the nerve to say she did not move closer to the conflict and was not standing where she said she was standing. While I did not use the word LIAR, the implication was clearly there.

Later that night I checked with a few people who can be trusted to tell the truth and no one had ever heard any rumors that Chas had started the initial conflict. Not even some who do not like him. Not even one person at the BBQ that night remembers Maria being anywhere but near the BBQ itself. No one believes she could have heard anything that others could not hear and certainly she could not see what was going on, as she is nearly blind as a bat.

I looked for an opening (this was wrong) to take a personal swipe at her and she gave it too me. Maria does not forget who offended her and says and she will never forgive. She has recently returned to her roots in the Catholic Church and believes she is good enough for heaven, or at least hopes she is. I asked if her church repeats the Lord’s Prayer at times. Yes! Well what follows “And forgive US our sins AS” … and she finished it with “as we forgive those who sin against us.” Doesn’t that concern you even a little bit? I can’t talk to you. You think you are the only one who knows anything. In this case I was sure I understood the meaning of the passage. Also, I responded with the comment that I believe your church is right about the Lords Prayer. She stormed away and I sat there smugly knowing I had lit a bomb under her bitterness. The worst part was that I wanted to do that exactly. I wanted revenge and wanted to nail her to the wall for what she was saying to me.

This morning I know I should not have done that. Also, I know I enjoyed doing it, but like I always say, if sin were not fun, not one would do it. I will apology if she will let me talk to her again. I know I am on the hate list. I have been there before and my life improved greatly.

Then to top that day off, two of the top executives came and posted an eviction notice on the door of CW. Word was spreading like wildfire within the hour and as that news was being passed around the current teller advised everyone not to tell anyone. I have no idea why that tag on was necessary unless the first newscaster wanted to tell everyone herself. The notice is placed on the door face out and anyone who walks by the door can and will see it. Go figure.

No one can say the day was not eventful. I made a new enemy for life (second time I have done that with the same person), Chas was accused of things I cannot corroborate with the attempt to make him the bad guy. CW got an eviction notice (10.31.11). I spent some time trying to see if anyone had ever heard Marias story. I never mentioned who told me the story.

So I got up this morning and went to church for the Men’s Breakfast and had a wonderful time and brought home the left over waffles to put in my freezer and eat later. There were only seven men and we had a fun and cool conversation that sent me home with a spring in my step and no pain in my hip. It’s a great day.

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