I think I participated in one of the deadly sins today. I don’t remember the number exactly. Maybe it is an extension of on of the basic seven. It has to do with Stone Cold Creamery. If you don’t know what this sinful place is all about it is a killer (literally) ice cream shop. They have a dozen or so “foundation” ice creams like the standard vanilla, chocolate and strawberry and many more. They scoop out the appropriate base (small, medium and large) and put it on a marble slab that is kept cold (hence the name) and then you add to it just about any topping you can imagine.
I had a thing called “Pie I’d Die for.” or something like that — Oreo cooking (two, I noticed), caramel and chocolate syrups, graham cracker pie crust, and I lost track of what else there was, but I did add pecans. This was wrong, wrong, wrong and I will pay for it foe weeks, maybe even months.
I clearly understand sin. In fact, I consider myself somewhat of an expert since I have done it for years. I do want to do it (well maybe sometimes I do), but like the Apostle Paul. I do what I don’t want to do. — I do wonder if he ever secretly did it because he wanted to. — One of the problems with my sin is that it sticks right out there in front of me. I cannot really keep it a secret. What else can I say? I planned it; I took five others with me. We went, we tasted, we downed it and then went to Starbucks for a chaser. I was good there. I had a sugar free caramel, no caffeine, and skinny latte. I think that kind of balanced out the waffle cone the decedent dessert came in. I promise not to do it for at least another year. Forgive me for I have sinned. It has been four years since I went in that store and I have now done it again. Yum! Why is gluttony one of the deadly sins when the church where I was reared advocated food and lots of it? It never met without tables over flowing with food and especially desserts. I’m sure that is where I learned this awful sin. I always thought “Fellowship” equaled “Food”.
I went for a haircut today and took my barber a print I drew of her shop. She has let me have shows there several times and never charged and never takes a percentage. She has also hosted artists for opening night providing punch, cheese and crackers. I owe her. So I wanted her to have a print of the work. But she surprised me. She wants to buy the original. Bless her heart. That will pay all my expenses for the two shows I have this fall. I am very excited. This may actually be the first show where I will make some money.
The Barbershop is called “Two-Bits.” A cool name for a barber in Old Town, don’t you think? Unfortunately, that has no barring on current prices, but I did get a free haircut today.

Thumbs up on the drawing!! Very good, I like it a lot!! Thank you for sharing. It would be fun to see more of your work (hint, hint).
:-) John
Nice drawing!
Hint hint!!!
Very nice! I love it! No wonder why she wants the original!
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