Tuesday, April 13, 2010


This is too good to leave for another day. A dear lady of my acquaintance asked a friend to take her to the emergency room about midnight because of sever back pains. Anyone would help a friend so he got the car out that took the lady in pain to the hospital emergency room. It was a typical emergency room night. It was packed with all kinds of people. She was asked to wait as they were very busy.

Dixie does not have a reputation for patience, or dependability, or, well... enough said. She began by pacing the room and checking out those apparently in line before her. Some obviously needed to get in soon. But the problem with a pain that does not show is that it is no competition for blood. And when anyone has a pain, it is now the worst pain that anyone could suffer. She stared in disbelieve as some were taken in ahead of her. She began by asking why they were taken ahead of her. She was assured she was on the list and they would get to her, but surely she could see how busy they were. She returned to pacing. Another is taken in and the question is raised to a higher pitch and on to demanding to know why she is waiting so long. I'm sorry, but the staff is small and the patients are numerous. Not good enough. Dixie is seriously outraged and demanding that she be seen immediately. Since she is not subtle and her voice carries, very few people missed her demands. The demands increased to screaming and became laced with profanity. A great way to have people really care. The receptionist managed to hold her cool, but remained firm. She would be seen as soon as personnel were available. That was not satisfactory. Dixie ordered her driver to come and they left with the back pain apparently still aching. She directed her driver to a 24 hour restaurant where they spent a little over an hour having breakfast until about 3:00 a.m. After getting food in her stomach she was apparently healed. She came back to "The Home" and never said another word. Way to go Dixie! Healing with pancakes.


Cartoon Characters said...

It would be safe to say that if someone can leave an ER without being seen....the pain wasn't as bad as they felt it to be.....that might sound a little bit heartless....but true...! Hate to say it but I have seen people with a sliver expecting to be seen before the fractured leg or the cardiac patient. I myself have had to wait 6 hrs in ER with gall bladder pain and there was nothing any one could do to send me home with that pain! btw...she sounds Canadian....is she? (complaints galore)

Clyde said...

No, originally from Colorado. This is not really unusual for her. She will blow up at people with explosive language and five minutes later with bodies flung everywhere pretend nothing had ever happened.