Friday, April 16, 2010


My harem and I ventured out to the tulip fields yesterday. The hen fest began immediately. Janet sat in front with me and as we approached the ferry she whispered to me - Women! I laughed out loud which brought a momentary silence. Janet is our 92 year old resident. Four of us have April birthdays and all four were making the trip. Janet is a spry and active lady who says the funniest things at the best moments. The others missed he comment. I would love to report on the conversations, but I shut them out. I am the sixth child of seven who grew up in an approximately 700 square foot home and the only way to survive at times was to take your brain and move into another world. I visited my special place on that trip. My family learned that the best way to bring me home was to get right in my face. I suppose the other world was weird to everyone, but to be honest many times it was the only way to get any privacy. Escapism pure and simple. Yes, it made people made at times. But I enjoyed my little world.

Spring came early so driving through the tulip fields produced brown, empty fields at far as the eye could see. Naturally I continued to point these out for all to enjoy. When we found a field still in bloom it was spectacular. Yellows, whites, reds - may shades or red and pink - oranges, purples. When planted as a contrast it was dramatic. I loved the red-yellow-red field. The sun was shining at that moment and they almost glowed. Rozengaarde Gardens was beautiful. I was successful in convincing the women to go off on their own and I would catch up. They agreed because I had to use the porta-potty. As I was about to leave I heard what sounded like something dropping. I looked around for my things and found everything I brought was there. Then I reached for my cell phone and it was gone. Panic. It was not visible. I looked down the hole hoping it had not fell in. I had no idea what I would do then. The contents were disgusting. I'm not afraid of a little mess, but that was too much and if I got in it, how would I get out. I finally left the cubical without my phone and as I was washing my hands I suddenly remembered that I did not bring my phone. The battery was too low so I left it charging. Another panic moment for nothing. That's where my stress comes from - my own mind.

Somehow a couple of us got the ferry departure time mixed up and when reached the ferry is was earlier than expected and was loading. Actually very good timing. I flipped on the news when I got home and learned there was a bomb scare on the very ferry on which we had crossed the sound. The ferries at that crossing were held up for hours while the bomb squad came in to deal with the ticking package. It was a smoke detector. Had we missed that ferry we would have been delayed several hours. Whew - missed that one.

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