Thursday, April 1, 2010


We anticipated the lose, but one is never ready for it when it happens. Lose is always painful. I don't know if there will be a funeral or memorial that we will be able to attend. Sometimes families invite us, sometimes not. Only a very few had help a memorial service here. So we will wait and see.

But Lillie passed away today. Well, actually the doctor helped her. Euthanasia is legal in Washington. To be honest she wasn't doing very well at all. No energy. She could barely get up to take a leak. Her hair was changing color and falling out. Her eyes were grey. It was clear she wasn't going to make it, but her mother could not let go. She was so worried about losing her. She thought of her as her only really important friend. She would do anything for her, or so she said. But to some of us it looked at times like she was just jerking her chain since she was walking slower and not interest in moving very fast and at times even wanted to rest before getting back home. Mom lost her patience from time to time. But we knew she loved Lillie. Maria hated it when mom jerked her around or even kicked her. So Lillie is probably better off. How much can a 16 year old Cocker Spaniel really take. She was past her prime. But since Lillie was not even brought home for a viewing, I guess I just have a cu of coffee and some of those fresh made cinnimon rolls.

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