Thursday, April 29, 2010


Reports came flooding into mission control central that the missing bench at the front door could be found at Goodwill. After much shock and little awe, scheming minds put their heads together in hopes of having one good mind. Let’s go to Goodwill and buy the bench and place it exactly where it had come from. Now that would be funny. What are we? College kids! Sort of! Joy, jubilation, glee (not the show, just the feeling) came upon all. I was appointed the one to go and purchase the bench as I had the car. It sounded like fun, so I was off with a fellow evil thinker. Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men — The Shadow knows. After a thorough search of Goodwill, the bench could not be found. Joy immediately drained from our continence. We were downcast. Our spirits were vexed. We could think of no other evil deed to do. Woe, we were undone.

I skipped coffee today in an attempt to do some cleaning and organizing. Guess what? I got a phone call to see where I was. Don’t I get any me time? Yes I do! But they needed my car. (See above.) See, they don’t really love me. They just love what I have and can provide for them. Sounds like parenting.

Another cake appeared at the lounge table in our building to celebrate the April birthdays. It’s feast or famine. Lots now, nothing for months to come. Wasn’t August a hot month. Wouldn’t it have been sticky? Why so many April babies? My kids were also born in April, but they’re adopted so don’t blame me.

I sure hope the Survivors figure out what a snake in the grass Russell is and vote him out of the tribe tonight. If not, he may go one to win. It's now or never. JT would still be there if it weren't for his stubbornness.

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