I know some think all I do is work puzzles. Not true. I sleep. I eat - sometimes at the puzzle table. But Gail and I were sitting in the upstairs lounge talking at the puzzle table when Maria comes to join us. I have the laundry room door open so I can hear when the machines go off - so I can move the clothes from the washer to the dryer and not make someone else wait (I'm really a very nice guy). That has nothing to do with what happened. We hear the voice of Bob, our maintenance man, talking at the bottom of the stairs, so Gail takes off to to ask him why it is so cold in our halls. The timing was excellent as he was talking to the one who was the cause of getting the fan turned on.
There is no exhaust fan in the laundry room. Everyone knows that, but Sylvia went to complain about the lack of an exhaust fan in the laundry room. So Bob crawls around in the ceiling to see what is going on. Instead of a fan, there is an air exchange system that only works when the furnace fan is on. I didn't know. He didn't know (too new). I was so cold at the puzzle table yesterday afternoon and had to leave just to stop shaking so I asked Bob if the fan could be turned off. Gail got the shakes just coming out of her room. The cool air circulating will be wonderful when it gets real hot, but there were warning of possible snow again today. Cold - that's all I can say. While they were talking another person mentioned the coldness. All this was said in front of the complainer that got the fan turned on. Bob turned the fan off. One vote for the laundry air exchange, three votes for the fan off. We won — this time. There will be another opportunity to lose.
Anyway, back to the point and back at the puzzle table after Maria came. We are down to just having some dark wood designs to place on either side of the center of the puzzle. There were also two green grass pieces missing. SInce everything left was brown, it was reasonable to suggest the green pieces might be missing. Not necessarily! We have knocked them off into chairs where they slide down into the cushions. Once I had a piece stick to my sweater where I carried it off to my apartment. I have only done it once but the story is told like I have done it dozens of times. Of course, if we can't find a piece, I am told to check my apartment. I do declare. I am not a puzzle piece thief - intentionally.
So when Maria was telling Gail about how hard the puzzle has been she pointed to all the areas she had personally worked on. I was opposite Gail with Maria between us. Gail glanced at me and I shook my head no. You see, three quarters of what she pointed to I or Marty (Martha) had done. Gail and I smiled and I I rolled my eyes (no, not by taking them out and rolling them on the table - you know what I mean). You have to laugh. She has no idea what she has done or is saying. She takes credit for many things others have done. I could care less about the puzzle. She has done that since I moved in. It would be nothing for her to point to a piece I had placed while she was there and she would explain to one just arriving how hard it was to find that particular piece. I am not paranoid. She does this to everyone. She is an equal opportunity offender. Go figure. Her real trouble is when she takes credit for the food, decoration, or work of another. The argument is hilarious. She will argue until you are blue in the face and not know why the other person is upset.
Now, this time when I rolled my eyes, I did take them out and rolled them on the table. I did not get snake eyes.
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