Tuesday, May 4, 2010


It seems to have all happened at once. Puzzle problems in all the puzzle locations.

The main puzzle table is in the commons room. Everything was going well on a complicated puzzle with a perfectly white border on all sides. The rest of the puzzle (flowers in a vase on a cluttered table with a very busy drape in the background) was going slow, but going. One annoyed puzzler was sick and tired of the puzzle so tore it up and put it away to the dismay of those still working in it. I guess it never occurred to her that she could leave it alone or go to another room. No, she chose to antagonize many and cause trouble. That's Trouble with a capitol "T" and that rhymes with "me" and that... I have no idea where to go from there. I'll stop. The area conversation is very heated.

Meanwhile on the second floor of the main building they are working on a 2000 piece puzzle, but the table is too small. They have decided to split the puzzle and work on it on two tables. Since all our tables have round edges, I will be very difficult to ever put it together. Just imagine running with one piece between the tables. Confusing! But it has keep the number of workers to a minimum.

Now to our puzzle of three quilts hanging on a line in front of flowers, a cabin in the woods and snow capped mountains. A challenge but not impossible. I worked on the puzzle for about 20 minutes this morning alone. When one partner returned from the doctors she was very disappointed that I was working on one of the quilts (I like the easiest patterns first). It didn't matter to me so I broke up the quilt so she could do it. Wrong choice. She was even more angry. Women! Only God understands. It appeared to be resolved when I put it back together. I returned for about an hour late afternoon and finished the third quilt. No one had laid out the pieces so I dug around to find them and did it. When the same lady returned again she was angry that i had worked on "her section." You didn't leave a note. It wasn't set apart. How was I to know. You know I don't see very well and would want to do the quilts. (Sure I would, I can read minds). Sorry, I did not know you wanted to do that part. I was leaving the log cabin and lounge chairs for you, The color is distinctive and different from any other part of the puzzle. I hate the cabin. OK, I'll do it. No, I'll do it. Then she began work on the flowers which will be the most difficult part of the puzzle. What just happened here?

I am confused. Damned if I do, dammed if I don't. I returned to my suite, threw myself on my bed and burst into tears. Right! That will be the day a silly puzzle will cause me to respond that way. I am going to go take a college class in understanding indecisive women and the art of mind reading. I need it.

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