Amazing. A civil war has been averted. Too bad! I had worked on a number of, what I believed would be, effect plans of attack. The timing is perfect. With the smell present with the refinishing of the floor it would have helped as a cover for my unwashed body. Real soldiers rarely have time to shower, you know. I think I want a small civil war just for something to do. It’s not that I don’t have things to do. It’s like I want a little more excitement and a war would do that. Maybe a good rumor would put the war back on. It doesn’t seem to take much.
When I went out this morning, the plants looked dramatically better. I understand someone watered them. Amazing what that accomplished.
Shucks! The conspiracy theory proved false. I don’t know why we should stop the war just because the theory wasn’t true. Other conspiracy theories continue even when proven wrong. I think people just see a boogey man behind every action. Since we are not responsible, someone else must be and if we can’t find the actual guilty party, we just make on up or blame it on someone we don’t like. Someone must be responsible and that someone certainly cannot be me. It’s probably the government.
Someone saw the plant owner dump an abundance of Miracle Grow in his plants. Since he does not believe he did anything to hurt his beloved plants, someone must have done something to them. Welcome to the Twilight Zone. Do do do do do do do. do. Who knows what evil lurks in the heart of man (play eerie music here) the Shadow knows. (More eerie music ending in Dah Dah (a sound like that on Law and Order).
As we return to our story, Ethel has just learned that Hebert is really her son she had given up for adoption when she was only 13. She has longed for him but has given up all hope of ever finding him, but there he is — mowing her lawn. Meanwhile her estranged husband is in jail awaiting trial for the murder of Ethel’s mid 20 –year-old lover. The boy had barely begun life. But it took Ethel no time at all to replace Derek. The new lover is 19 years old. Ethel must be approaching 55. Either that or she galloped right over it. She looks 70. No one knows what the kid sees in her, unless it is money (good reason). As the heiress to a large garbage empire, she has no want for money and plenty of men to do her evil bidding (mafia you know). That lets her always look innocent.
The boy does not know that Ethel was the lover of his present mothers second husband and he is their love child. She is torn about whether to sleep with him. She wants to, but….. They are not having sex — yet, but they are so cuddly in public that everyone believes they are. Ethel is proud of that fact and flaunts the pretend affair. She is a nasty woman, one with an evil heart. Derek, the boy her husband murdered and Conrad, the present lover are really brothers, but would have called each other cousins, had they known one another, It’s complicated. We return you now to “As the World Churns.” In this episode, more complications will arise that you will never understand or figure out. I guarantee it.
It feels like that around here at times. Now you know why I don’t need daytime TV.
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