Monday, May 24, 2010


I enjoyed a cup of coffee while shooting the breeze with a couple of friends and watching workman put up a plastic sheet barrier between the dining room and a potion with a wooden floor. They were about to refinish it. The building is fourteen years old and it had never been refinished. It needed it badly. At about 10:15 I left to return to my room and check my email to see if there were any corrections for “The Home’s” newsletter. I wanted to get that done and out of my hands.

As I was climbing the steps to our building I noticed that the two hanging planters on either side of the steps looked droopy. It appeared that the flowers around the edge of the pot were wilting and dying. I was somewhat surprised as they were less than three weeks old and Chas is very careful with his flowers. I made a note to tell him about the flowers if I saw him later that day. I figured they just needed to be watered. I know nothing about plants. I have only one that will not die. Lord knows I tried. I’ve left it without water for weeks at a time, often only remembered they need water to live when the leaves are laying down the side of the pot. It was my wife’s plant and I have always had every intention to keep it alive. So far so good – no thanks to me! God made it strong.

When I saw Chas I mentioned his plants and of course he already knew. He also had two planters on the porch that died last week. He said the flowers were pulled out at the root and left lying on top of the planter. Someone had purposely destroyed his plants. Mean son-of-a-gun. I could not believe anyone would destroy the property of another person. Not here. Not at “The Home.” It didn’t make sense.

No one had pulled these plants out like the ones last week. Instead, they appeared to be poisoned. That’s seems to me to be even worse. I may have to purchase a gun. No, I won’t. I need food more. But I would like to get my hands on the jerk. There are suspicions as to the culprit, but, as usual, no one really knows for sure. It is assumed it is someone from the other building.

Here is comes, a civil war between buildings. We will post a 24-hour watch. I must take a day shift. I’m useless at night. Spies will have to be sent out to well, ahem, spy, I guess. A recognizance team must reconnoiter Attack plans will have to be drawn, evaluated and redrawn. I’m the best drawer here. I have rulers and paper. I guess I will have to draw the plans. I’ll start on blueprints tomorrow. Bugging various rooms must be done. It’s essential if we are to learn anything of importance, especially the room of their general. We will also bug the places where they meet and plot their evil strategies. Maybe we can get a double agent to pass us secret plans. The next thing you know they will want our lounge furniture. I think I know who will turn against that building. I think we need sand bags at the front to protect us from certain onslaught. Weapons! Yes, we will need weapons. I have about a dozen balloons from last summer. We could fill them with water. Add a little soap and they will get a bubble bath when hit. We should probably set up trip wires to knock them down. Not necessary. They can hardly walk as it is. I wish I had kept my old pith helmet. It makes me look important. Also makes me look like I’m on safari. Looks cool. Add a monocle and I look British. Once we get all these plans in place they will never hit us again.

On the other hand, I just think the flowers could be watered, but a conspiracy theory is always fun.

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