Two residents took over the poolroom this weekend, folding up the puzzle table and moving it to a storage room. They then used one of the heavy-duty card tables to place a TV and DVD player they brought from who knows where. They wanted to watch movies. They also moved two of the comfortable lounge chairs from the sitting room into their newly decorated TV room so they could watch movies over the weekend in comfort. They might have gotten away with it as a weekend project had they returned everything to it original place. No! They wanted it to become a permanent TV room.
OK, not bad except that the commons room which is right next door and open to the pool room already has a larger TV, VCR and DVD player. The chairs are quite comfortable and they could have moved the larger cushy sitting room chairs to that area. Would have been a lot less work! No one believes it was just for their personal convenience. The consensus is that it was done to stir the waters. And stir the waters it did.
People were hot and bothered this morning by their arrogance, audacity, and brazen behavior. What right did they have to rearrange the public area? Who do they think they are? Now stop for a moment. Yes, they did not have the right to do what they did. But whom did it hurt? No one! That’s right, not one person was hurt or mangled in the making of this redecorated room. It met all PETA requirements. But the decorating duo won. They were told to clean it up immediately, which they did willingly. It didn’t matter because they had already accomplished what they wanted. They upset several people, made their actions the focus of today’s discussions and they got to watch their movies the way they wanted. There are often easier ways to do what we want, but if you can do what you want and stick a knife into a few people’s backs, it seems to be more fun. I think they should just be sent to the principal’s office and get a week's worth of detentions. That would be a win-win for everyone.
There was a complex wide meeting at 1:00 today. When Rita took over running the meetings about three months ago she stopped the discussion of the many problems at The Home. They only turned into arguments and even great problems. People hated it, but the good side was that arguments stopped. The bickering went down. But a couple people shouted out their concerns today and the arguments began. Someone is putting a rock at the back door. This isn’t a very secure building if someone is doing that. “IF,” you just said they were. Did they or might they. Others added their comments and expressed their disgust. How horrible. Call the police. Let’s get the National Guard. Where is the President on this issue? What about FEMA? Should they be called? The offender goes out that door to smoke and sits on a chair within view the door. He doesn’t want to have to unlock the door again. It’s a guy thing. Reduce work when ever possible.
Rita cut off discussion about the poolroom being turned into a TV lounge. It was all cleaned up with no trace of evidence left. Thank goodness. 90% knew nothing about that. Problem solved. But we must talk about the possibility that something like that might happen again and warn people about how bad that is? Help. We’re in danger from silly acts. Our way of life will suffer. Our rights and freedoms are impinged on. We must stop this now. Hire a 24-hour watchman to patrol the place for our safety and protection. We are not adults. We cannot take care of ourselves. We cannot take a joke. We can’t overlook anything. We fall into every trap to get our goat and it is then got for a long time. Is it recess time yet? Can we go out and play? Do I have to play with Joey? He spits! We really do need a principles office.
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