Sunday, May 2, 2010


I Finished a portrait I did of granddaughter #1, got it framed and headed for the birthday party in the park by the water. The way I hear it, I was the only one cold. A pile of her friends where there for the celebration and they were running around barefooted and in tank tops or t-shirts. I had on a sweatshirt and all weather coat. I wished I had my winter coat, The wind was so strong at times we were chasing paper plates, empty pop cans and napkins all across the park. I was alone on one occasion and just could not run fast enough. I found a birthday card envelop at my car when I left. I was parked a long way off.

I'm old and not nearly active enough to get warm by running around. Basically crawling around does not warm you up. My grandson wanted me to try skateboarding. Right! I am not prepared to go to the hospital with any broken bones. I did go down the kiddy slide. It was so low at ground level I could hardly stand up. OK, that's a joke. I didn't go down the slide it was too high for me, but if I had I'm sure I would have struggled to get up.

I had been trying for weeks to do a portrait of the three grand kids together, but always messed up one or more eyes or one or more of the kids. If an eye is wrong, the whole thing is wrong. I Finally gave up and did a pen and ink drawing. I usually get that better (it's easier), but I had too much ink around their eyes and they looked evil. But the colored pencil drawing is great even if I do say so myself, and I do. The eyes are right, the coloring good. Anyone who knows her would recognize it as her. A neighbor here saw the drawing right next to the photo I was using and was very impressed. I was anxious for her to see it. The invitations requested that presents not be brought. But I'm the papa. I wanted to bring a present. However, I should have taken it to her at home. What I expected would be excitement was embarrassment. Whoops. My bad (the right expression I believe)! I was thinking about me not the possible response of a first time teenager with all her friends around. You would think a former youth worker could have figured that out, but he missed it. I hope she will forgive me sometime soon. And I hope the day will come when she likes the drawing. I really is pretty good, but I said that already. Time to stop tooting my own horn. It is playing a sour note.

When I got home the weather report talked about snow in the area. SNOW! not here? It's May. I don't live in Canada any more. There may not be snow right here, but the rains are coming back and the wind is going to pick up. Time to go to bed and cuddle up in my nice warm blanket. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, but may sleep in. Naw! Can't do that.

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