Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I want to write tonight but am having a hard time focusing the right subject. Several are running through my head and none are stopping long enough for me to grab hold and go for the ride.

I mentioned that my dietician was concerned that my blood sugar readings were too low. So without consulting with my doctor I am conducting my own little experiment. I had already figured out that if I had low blood sugar numbers two hours after the evening meal, I needed to eat to keep the number high enough so as not to nearly faint. As a result I was defeating my weight loss goal. For the past few days, I have stopped taking my insulin at night and have not been eating after supper. The result is that I am not waking up in the middle of the night with low blood sugar and I am not waking up multiple times to go to the bathroom. I am also beginning to lose some weight. Minor, but a start. Also, I feel better. I have believed I have been over medicated for a long time. He and I are going to have a serious talk at my next appointment.

I blew it this morning at coffee during a discussion of what kind of fruit Adam and Eve ate. There were some interesting suggestions. All decided it was not an apple. I don’t know why they did that. Every picture I ever saw was of them eating an apple. Can all those artists be wrong? I cannot remember how the conversation shifted, but we moved on to a simple discussion of the first couple. One of our women always (yes always) expresses her opinion in a strong way with a tone that says I have spoken and that it the final word. Few ever challenge her as she will argue to the end that she is right — and she keeps getting louder and only gives up when everyone else shuts up. In her very dogmatic way she pronounced that Eve was Adam’s second wife. I was so dumbfounded I turned to her and said, “Where or earth did you ever get that absolutely ridiculous idea,” then explained the rib being taken from Adam and Eve being created. Maybe others of you have heard that second wife idea but that was a first for me and I felt that if it wasn’t challenged some would begin to wonder if it might be true. She answered my question with, “From my childhood.” This was the first time I ever heard her stop arguing. The discussion ended with everyone around the table confirming that they understood Eve was number one. I could not believe my ears and was ready to pull out the Bible and take they through Genesis 2-3.

The California Supreme courts decision this morning announcing that it was unconstitutional to have a referendum on Gay marriage so they overturned the previous decision to ban same sex marriage, mucked up my hackles – whatever those are. To me, it was just one more place where government was getting into it with the churches. I thought there was a separation of church and state. Technically, these may not be religious issue vs. the state, but it sure raises the roof in religious circles. The Catholic Church, The Mormon Church and National Association of Evangelicals have already spoken out. This may have even raised the profile of Mitt Romney, as he was very outspoken against gay marriage. It may have also sealed his fate with that voter group.

I spent a fair amount of time trying to see if scripture defines marriage. It doesn’t, but it has plenty to say about same sex relationships, and it is not supportive. In scripture all marriage in used in terms of a man and a woman. That is also true historically, culturally and politically. To me, marriage is just one more word the rainbow coalition wants to reinvent. They have already confiscated “gay,” “rainbow” and now they want marriage. I for one want them to have equal governmental rights. That would not benefit them alone, but same sex heterosexuals who share a life and home together. But I object to the term marriage being used. I don’t know what is wrong with civil union. I am sure they want to feel equal with heterosexuals. I will go along with that as soon as they produce offspring without outside help.. Leave “marriage” alone. They already have all the rights they have fought for in California. Find another word or expression like “shacking –up.”


Caryn LeMur said...

Dear Clyde: given that the 'wisdom from heaven is ... full of mercy... and impartial...", then I find myself in favor of allowing second heterosexual marriages and all same-sex marriages to be called 'civil unions'. After all, I do not wish Matt 5:32 to be ignored; but rather dealt with mercifully.

So long as the benefits from all state governments and fed government are the same to all parties, then I find the choice of 'civil union' to be within the 'wisdom from heaven'. If there is 'partiality' of benefits (the opposite of 'impartiality'), then I would find the solution to be outside of the wisdom from heaven.

I was not aware that West Coast Evangelical councils were in favor of civil unions, but I applaud them becoming obedient to the full scriptures of our Lord, and showing the wisdom that is full of mercy, and impartial, to everyone. Here on the East Coast, we are much more prejudicial, and have (imo) abandoned the standard of the 'wisdom from heaven' in checking all our policy pronouncements.

But I offer that your West Coast should advertise what they are 'for' much more than what they are against, and then rebuild their image. It would be great to have some of the church interested again in walking humbly with God and doing justice among the oppressed.

Much love in Christ always and unconditionally; Caryn

Clyde said...

I spoke for myself and not for the west coast evangelicals. I confess that I did not follow your first two paragraphs. I don't care what they call the relationship if it is not marriage. But I support government equality and equal benefits. This is compassion.