Well, the arts, Crafts and Bake sale are over. Several people did really well, I just didn’t happen to be one of them. Asked during our pack up what I would do differently next year my response was “not do it.” Of course that might change in a few months. The physical drain is a major strain on me. The emotional drain as I ached for those who made little to nothing is even greater. I am less concerned about me. But four vendors did not even make their table (make enough to pay for the table costs). I cannot correct that. What would draw me back next year is that three key vendors are from The Home and each need extra money and got it. As for me, I have another shot and more likely better shot still coming. I will set up my art show the Saturday after Thanksgiving. The artist reception will be Dec. 16. I have four drawings completed and another with about 2 hours drawing left. I hope that by the 16th I will have completed another three completed. I could come out of the hole then.
Having the show in Old Town is convenient for us, but parking is always a problem. A big show attracts my people, but that is not possible in this area. Last year we checked area rental spaces and the cost was prohibitive. Since most vendors are new to the scene and inexperienced, any cost is frightening, but we have to pay for advertising some way.
Even if I sell nothing at the art show, I am preaching again this coming Sunday and that will get me out of the hole. I hate to think of preaching as a means to profit, but in this case it is helpful if not necessary.
My strange dreams continue. I have no recurring dreams and I cannot see a theme. I am not yet ready to attribute them to senility, but they are not coming from any sphere of reference of which I am aware. They are not frightening nor threatening. In retrospect, they are somewhat humorous but I call them strange.
The most recent ones had to do with boxes. I was closing them up and trying strong around them. These were not Christmas package’s, they were plain brown cardboard boxes. I was not taping, gluing or fastening them together with anything but string. I only saw one at a time, but since them kept coming I have no idea about quantity. I was no overwhelmed. Had I been I would have connected the dream to the craft show. I was reasonably happy. That’s the strange part. I have never enjoyed repetition.
I was sick of people at age 18 and left the shoe store to take a job in a warehouse. It paid more. The first day two of us was given pricing guns and told to correct prices on the boxes coming down the belt. The boxes were all ready packed with product and we had to put a new sticker over the old price. The speed of the belt reminded me somewhat of the “I Love Lucy” chocolate factory show. We had to keep at a steady pace and had no control over the speed. When a buzzer sounded we got a break. It took so much concentration that the two of us only spoke at the break. Guess what. That was my first and last day as an assembly line worker. I decided money wasn’t everything.
By the way, when I woke from the box dream, if felt like a lunch break. I awoke hungry, but really had to go to the bathroom.
I have been to many craft/art shows. The paintings I have purchased have been the small ones.
Have you ever tried to paint/draw miniature paintings in small frames...or maybe on smooth rocks..? My uncle does ...and he does quite well with them. They are inexpensive to buy - say $5 - $10 and people are better able to afford them. If you put magnets on the back, they can be decorative on the fridge! Nowadays people think before putting out a lot of money....but small gifts like that would be unique, especially if local landmarks are the subject.
Glad your back! I've been waiting for the next instalment of your blog!! I enjoyed what you had to say. I too had a first job and worked on an assembly line at a plastics factory. My first day was also my last as I got motion sickness at watching everything go by so fast and ended up getting sick on the belt!!! Then others did too!! Wow, what a day!!!
Anyhow, I enjoyed your drawing of the benches!. Just had a thought. If you were to reduce the picture and do 4 up and have costco print out on the canvas material, you could then cut apart and have 4 to sell that have the canvas look and feel. Well it was just a thought and I'm sure one thing your never lacking is input from everybody!! :-) Have a great Thanksgiving!!! Glad your back safe and sound. -John W
Dear Clyde:
Welcome back. I am glad to hear that you are preaching - and, 'the workman is worthy of his wages', so, I am thrilled that they offer you a gratuity of some amount.
I have next to zero experience at art-craft exhibits... so I have no advice at all for that forum. When I play music in our old town, I hve not yet done it for money, but instead, use it as opportunity to share Christ. So, even on the commercial side of street music, I am clueless.
Concerning dreams, visions, and insights - I love to 'be more noble', and compare them to the word of God (Acts 17:11 as I recall). Sometimes, they are a 'launching point' to learn many new and wonderful things from God.
And, I enjoyed your heart showing concern for your fellow artists. Amen. Those that help the least of the believers, have helped Christ.
I have some small experience with websites. In that light, you may wish to consider making only 100 copies of your Christian-themed art. Then, post them as limited editions, sign each one (1/100, 2/200, etc.), and sell them for $20each + shipping (or so) on the Internet (using Paypal?). "Limited" editions of anything seem to move better on the Internet. The $20 price seems to be a breaking point for many purchase decisions. Using your current website would also allow old friends to reconnect with you as a person, and then, the art means all the more to the friend/buyer.
But, all that is up to you and the Holy Spirit. May our Jesus give you joy, which is our strength. Amen.
That's a great idea!!!
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