I'm overwhelmed because I have two art shows I am preparing for. The first is next weekend and I need at least another week. There were days in the past I could easily handle this, in fact seemed to like it. Now, I wear out way to quicjly and both my body and mind need a rest from that pace and the activity.
As soon as that show is complete, I need to hang my drawings on Nov. 26. The open house for that is not until Dec. 16th, so I will have time to add more pieces. I was trying to work at two pieces a week, but find I cannot maintain that. The first is also a craft show so I have many little pieces (tree ornaments) I am also working on. That is a project with my daughter and grandkids. It will come to an end soon.
Just want to say, I am not depressed and I will continue my story of God's redemption and blessing. Based on some comments I guess I left the impression I am depressed. No, I was when all this happened, but the story will be one of redemption and joy. I just like to end with a bit of a teaser to make people wonder what is coming next. It may have sent the wrong message especially since I haven't written for awhile.
Like someone famous (actually more than one someone famous), I'll be back.
Thanks for letting us know that all is well. Happy drawing. - lew
Oky doky....look forward to hearing more from you next week!!
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