Sunday, November 27, 2011


I did not get sick from Resers frozen foods. In fact, I have had some of it twice more. I think there was some wasted food when some many women threw it out.

Thanksgiving afternoon I got in the car with my family and went to Seattle to spend the day with my son-in-laws family. I have been doing that for a number of years. It is easier and more fun for the grand kids. There were nine grand kids and things changed this year. The five oldest sat at a table and played games. It was reasonably calm and controlled. I loved that. The four youngest continued the tradition of running and screaming and bouncing all over the place. Grandma and grandpa have a basement that they have set up as a play area for the kids. Fortunately, they spent a great deal of time there.

My hearing is beginning to go and when there is a lot of noise and mass confusion I cannot focus on any conversation. I missed some of the discussion. I have had my hearing checked and there is some loss. They tried to sell me a miracle ear for $3,000 for each ear. After picking myself up off the floor the salesman (I think I am suppose to call him the technician) set me up with a credit card that specializes in somewhat lower payments. I was interested in what they would do. But when the card arrived, I had to pick myself up off the floor again. The interest was nearly 27%, highway robbery. The card I have has a significantly lower interest rate, but I am still paying off the debt I retired with and decided I would not add anything to that card until the old debt was paid off and I may not use it after that. It is going to be a while before tat bill is paid.

The meal was terrific as usual and somehow I managed to not over eat. I wanted some pumpkin pie but when we got around to pie, I chose apple pie instead. Go figure. It just looked too good and there will be a lot more pumpkin before the end of the season.

I sure debated about going to Seattle, as my back was still hurting. Fortunately it did not get any worse but when I got home I was completely wiped out. I am beginning to feel my age.

I was to set up for the art show on Saturday, but passed because of my back. I will do it on Tuesday. I look forward to the show and would love to have a sale or two. We will see what wills happen.

I need to get going on the two portrait orders, but first — a good nights sleep. See you later.

I will write tomorrow about the expiration date debate in the comments section. Very interesting.

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