Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I plan to spend Turkey Day with my son-in-law’s family. I have done that nearly every year since my wife passed away. They have been exceptionally kind to me all these years. I also spent Christmas with them. This developed after a few holidays were spent in Oregon with just the three of us: Rhonda, Chris (her husband) and me. Boring! Holiday celebrations are best enjoyed with a larger group,

I enjoy sitting down and considering many of the things for which I am thankful, so let me share some of those with you this year.

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.

I love where I live. I am thankful I am here. The Home is beautiful and the setting is terrific. Also I am close to family – about 20 minutes.

I am thankful for most of the people In The Home. Of course, there are a few whose necks I would like to break, but they gave life to this blog. One of the exceptional people is my upstairs neighbor. My back is bothering me today and I am struggling to walk. She went out in this cold miserable weather to get my insulin. I wouldn’t have asked, but she said she was going out anyway. She lied. She wasn’t going outside at all. She did it because I needed help. She is also the organizer of a Thanksgiving meal being held in our building for the 8 or 9 people who have no place to go, and she not really much of a cook. Cool, eh!

I am thankful for a van that still runs. It has its little problems: a door that rattles and a window I have taped so it won’t fall out. I suspect it will be my last car and I’m glad to have it. While I could get around without it, a vehicle means freedom for a senior as much as it does for a teen. The difference is that we drive only if we have to and rarely after dark.

Of course I am thankful for my family. My only immediate family is my daughter, son-in-law and the three grandkids. There are a lot of thing I have missed with my wife gone and one is touch. My grandkids never fail to hug me when they see me and hug me again at departure. Yeah!

I cannot forget Chris’ family as they have included me on special holidays for years. It is always fun to be with them. There are nine children running around yelling and screaming. I may have a headache at the end but it beats silence.

I am thankful for health. Mine is not perfect. Today my back is making it difficult to walk, but rest will cure that. It’s from the physical strain of the weekend. I could go through a list of things that are breaking down, but like it or not we are all moving toward the end and that process usually includes things not working like they used to. It’s part of the pattern. I am thankful for what I do have.

In regard to health, I am thankful I can still draw. After my last heart attack I developed a mild shaking in my left hand (my drawing hand). I was fearful I could no longer draw and went through a time of deciding I would rather not try and then learn I could not draw. So I decided to give it up. God is still allowing me that little pleasure. By the way, I went on line yesterday and found an art consignment site. I am in the process of signing up. Shocked, aren’t you.

I am thankful that God helped me learn that cooking was an art and not an exact science. Once I understood that simple fact, I have feed myself some pretty good food – when I want to. I am still waiting for Rachel Ray’s cookbook for 10-minute meals. I nuke much of what I eat because I don’t like waiting. I can’t imagine having to hunt down or gather my food, then building a fire to cook it. That’s an all day project, maybe even an all week challenge. We have come a long way since the pilgrims — and I am very thankful for that. I really do prefer hunting my food at the butchers.

I am thankful for your who comment from time to time. You challenge me to be better and do better. You encourage and motivate me to keep writing. You are helpful and often funny. I love humor. I try to incorporate it into my blog much of the time. I am completely aware that there are times that I am the only one who thinks I funny, but thankfully you allow the illusion to continue.

Enjoy Thanksgiving. I'll be back on Friday. I might as well. You will never again find me out shopping on Black Friday. I don;t need anything they are selling that bad. I hate crowds.


Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you! I appreciate your attitude of gratitude! - lew

Boomer said...

Happy Turkey Day!! I enjoyed your writings today. I can relate to much of what you expressed also. Have a great day with family! This year all our kids are with their inlaws so we are alone. I think we will have turkey tv dinners this year :-)

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving Clyde!
-Heidi F