Today was National Picnic Day. Did you celebrate? We at The Home did. We scheduled a picnic at Waterfront Park. I would never miss a national celebration. Last Sunday (June 12) was the day Baseball was invented in 1837. Monday was “Weed Your Garden Day” (I escaped that one – I have no garden), Tuesday was “Flag Day,” Friday was National Fudge Day” I would have celebrated that one but no one made any fudge. I did miss all the other celebrations this past week, but I was determined not to miss Picnic Day.
We have a slight participation problem at The Home. I really don’t understand. Many comment that there is nothing to do, but when we schedule something, they don’t come — it is not what they want to do. They could come and tell me what they would like, they could go to the activities director to express their desires or they could drop a suggestion in the suggestion box. None of that has ever happened. But they are bored and there is nothing to do. Go figure!
That comment about boredom was made to one of our picnic participants, as they were getting ready to walk down to the park. She invited the complainer to come along to the picnic. Guess what she was told? I don’t want to do that. Well, go ahead and sit down and pout.
I understand the turn out today. It was cool. It was cloudy. It was threatening rain. I was actually hoping I would be the only one to go, and that it would pour. I wanted to take a picture of the “crowd” for the next newsletter.
It was slightly cool, but a sweatshirt was enough. There were sure a lot of small children and their parents on the playground. There were a seven other groups having picnics and several animal rescue dogs being trained On the grounds. It was nice. We picked a table in the shade (just incase the sun came out), where we would watch the kids. I grabbed a passerby to take our picture. I wanted people to see what they missed. I doubt it will work.
Well, happy National Picnic Day. I hope you enjoyed the not as yet National Holiday.

Well introduce us to your friends!! Who joined you on the picnic?!
Have a great rest of the weekend!!
I suppose I should introduce them. I have been hesitant because of the past. But here goes. Phyllis, me, Chas.
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