I hung out with the grandkids this evening. I love it. I also wonder if I was that much fun as a kid. I doubt it. You know, hard times and all. I do know I was great at building forts with blankets, chairs, tables and sofa cushions. Maybe not great, but I was at least prolific, nearly daily during one winter.
The two youngest grandkids are exceptionally loving. It’s part of their manipulative charm. I’m not going to say they use that skill all the time, but I won’t deny it’s very effective. They are soon to be 9 and 10. From the moment they see me they come running with hugs and kisses and make me feel warm all over. If I’m going to be with them at bedtime, that is step one in getting me to let them stay up late. Like I said: very effective.
The older one left for soccer practice when mom left for the graduation at my son-in-laws school. So I only had the two for an hour. My granddaughter finished watching a Disney TV show and then went to her room to clean it. While I was surprised, no shocked, I never checked on her so she probably got hooked on a book. I heard nothing. But it is kind of hard to hear over my grandson. He is loud and talks faster than his tongue can move. I think he should go into sales. He pulled out his legos (almost enough to open his own Legoland) and we began building together. I tend to build things somewhat symmetrical, orderly. As usual he commented on how neat it was. He’s very complimentary. He then took it, looked it over and added his own ideas until it looked nothing like what I had started. Then he had the nerve to tell me I did a good job. More butter for later.
At 7:00 we had to go pickup granddaughter #1 from her soccer practice. We parked at the end of the field where we could watch practice through the mist that developing. The other two also were working up a head of steam laughing, poking, pushing, pinching, tickling, and generally annoying one another in what seemed to be good fun.
The soccer queen arrived and announced she was tired and wanted to go to sleep. She’s 13. So I asked her if she wanted me to drop her off at home before the rest of us went to Dairy Queen. She wasn’t that tired. Numbers 2 and 3 picked up speed with their previous activities and I could see steam coming from #1’s nostrils and ears. It was contained somewhat at DQ, but absolutely explored in the van ride back home. They were driving #1 crazy and I thought it was rather funny. I tried to help #1 by asking them to quiet down and give us a little peace and quiet. I might as well have said nothing. I tried again by saying, if you don’t quiet down; I’m going to make you give me the ice cream back. You can’t do that. We already ate it. Then I’ll stick my finer down you throats until you throw it all up. After a round of Oooo’s and yuks, the laugher and noise and annoying behavior #1 felt jumped up another 2-3 notches It was hard for me to help her any longer as it kept getting more humorous all the time. My only hope was to drive faster.
We survived to get home and play Sorry. Number 1 went to her room. The rest of us had a wonderful laugh fest. The game was incidental. One recommendation. If each of your grandkids has farted and laughed until they were blue in the face, do not follow suit as I did. They exploded and I could not contain it either. I love nights like this.
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