Tuesday, January 17, 2012


The weather has toyed with me all day. It would snow for a few minutes and then quit, snow and stop, snow and rain. I went out about 3:00 to pick up a prescription and it felt down right warm. I was sure my hope for snow was over.

At 4:00 instead of Ellen, the local station was doing snow coverage. It was snowing everywhere in the area except here. It was worse to the east. Seattle, Tacoma, and hwy. 16 headed our way. It was snowing to the north and the south and less to the west. That’s unusual; Seabeck always gets lots of snow. Not this time, at least not yet.

But we have been assured it is coming tonight and we will not be missed. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. After that song I will sing let it melt, let it melt, let it melt. I like snow, but only for a little while.


I have been authorized to drive the bus to various events. It holds twelve passengers plus two wheelchairs; So far on two trips the wheelchair lift has not worked at all. On the first trip I canceled it because we could not get the wheelchairs loaded. This last time we went without the wheelchairs. The man from head office was due to come by today and go over all the silly little details that might go wrong with the lift, and there are several. He didn’t make it, but he called to explain the issues. If the extra rev kicks off turn the engine off and start over. Make sure the wheelchairs is as far to the front of the lift as possible, If the stop flap is not completely up, kick it into a straight up position with the toe. Very technical. In a few days I will get a pile of people to ride the lift up and down so I can try all these new little techniques. They had better work.

Our next trip is scheduled for Thursday, weather permitting. I hope we have it figured out by then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So did the snow arrive? I've heard of 7" in your state -- but know how different the various locales can be when it comes to weather conditions.

We got a good blanket of snow on Saturday night (6") then the cold hit. I'm content to stay inside in hiberation mode. - lew