Friends sent me the above photo with the attached story floating around the net to ask if I knew any of these people. Here is my response:
FRONT ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Frieda an unrelenting flirt, Hazel who is always complaining about her back, Yolanda happy on the outside, but a huge gossip who, I believe makes up stories. And Rita looks sweeter than she is. Actually very nice, but can rip you apart in seconds with the mouth of a sailor (teens these days).
SECOND ROW L-R: Gwendolyn, don’t know much. She keeps to her self. I’m actually surprised she is on this trip. Someone must have dragged her from her apartment. Myrtle is a great cook, but her food is a little too spicy for my tastes.
THIRD ROW L-R: Elmer is likeable. When he first moved in the women were all over him. He said he was gay. I don’t believe it. I think he just said that to get them off his back. Across from him is Harold who was a professional racecar driver – so far back I’m not sure he really remembers the truth of the tales he tells. And he will tell tales. Don’t ask any questions or you may never escape his auto stories.
FOURTH ROW L-R Edith and Roger Mossman the only married couple. When his wife does not come down with him for coffee he flirts with all the women. Across the aisle is Carol one of the happiest people I know. She has a mild case of Alzheimer’s and everyday everyone is new to here. She just loves meeting new people. But brace yourself. She will ask the same questions everyday. Hope you like to talk about where you lived and what you did and how long you have been here in prison.
Thats the last row I can make out. The rest are too small or too covered up to make out except for Harriet on the far back right. She is definitely trying to get married again and she will take any man who can still walk and not dependent on depends.
The above is all fiction. I do not have the slightest idea who any of those people are. There was a time my job had me in a number of airports waiting on connections. I enjoyed watching people and making up stories about who they were, where they were going and why. This is an extension of that fun activity.
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