Thursday, September 23, 2010


It’s been quiet around here for several days. That’s nice even if it is unusual. It’s nothing to go a couple of days and not hear much of anything or even run into very many people, but it’s been almost a week of peace.

A long awaited physical change to our building is underway today. They are installing automatic door openers on our front door. That is going to be great. Not just for those in wheelchairs (although that is reason it is happening) but also for anyone bringing in packages, pushing or puling a cart or to lazy open two separate doors.

This is only happening at the front doors. OK, at least it is happening. We have a weather lock opening on both buildings. That is my expression, but if it makes no sense to you it is where you walk through two doors to get into a building. This is more commonly seen in very cold weather areas. We get cool weather, but our double door system is primarily a safety devise.

The first door from the outside is not locked and anyone can get in to use the call system to connect with whomever they came to see. It is the second door that is locked. The area between the doors is adequate – unless you are in a wheelchair. They must pull the door on the outside, to get in between the doors then reach forward again, unlock the door, pull it toward themselves with limited space to back the chair up and wiggle their way inside. The new system allows you to open both the doors from outside when you use your key and push the open door button. Both doors will open together and you have a minute to get inside before they close again.

OK, I’ve taken a long time to explain a simple process. After a meeting today it seemed that this was about to become the most difficult thing we have yet to endure. I didn’t know there would be so much to ask about “insert key, push button, doors open.” I thought the questions would never stop. It seemed like every question was repeated in multiple variations — forever.

Are we getting new keys? Asked and answered more than 15 times! The answer: No, the key you have will work.

Will the key work the same way? Asked an answered four times! The answer: Yes, insert and turn to the right? Which direction do we turn the key? It will only turn one way – to the right. Is that a full turn? No, only a quarter turn. Turn it until the key will not go any further. So we will need a key to get in the buildings? Yes, you have always needed a key to get in. Will that be a new key? No, use the key you have. Will I need the key for both doors? No, only one door needs a key. Which door is that? The inside door, just as it had always been. Why do we need a key if there is a button to open the door? This is a secured building. The doors must be kept locked. What a waste of money. Sorry you feel that way, it will improve accessibility for those who need the help. Exasperated: You get in the building just as you always have. Well, then why are we getting automatic doors if they don’t open automatically.

I won’t bore you with more repetitious questions. I’m sure you get the idea. After the door lock instructor left, questions continued amongst one another. I left. Tomorrow we will discuss how to get out of the building. I don’t think I’ll go.


Cartoon Characters said...

I have been on the receiving end of many questions such as this....and it makes me want to pick up a pencil and poke my eyes out. "Patience is a Virtue" I repeat to myself.

Clyde said...

But are you listening to yourself. I laugh at the situation — when I'm not the one who must answer.

"Sunshine" said...

Sad to say, this is their life right now...Their braincells are diminishing and they have become naughty little "critters".
To us at least.
Frustrating to us and frustrating to them.
I can't see myself in your situation, but do find it interesting to take a peak at through your eyes and writings.

Cartoon Characters said...

where are u?

Clyde said...

Who are you asking about. The blogger or sunshine?