Saturday, April 9, 2011


Last night a fellow came in with the first real theological question I’ve been asked since I’ve been here. There have been attempts to get me involved in debates on creation and abortion. While I care about both issues, I’m not interested in debates. Now that I have offended everyone – the question was why didn’t God answer my prayers. I prayed and scripture says ask and you will receive and I asked, but didn’t get anything.

On the contrary, God always answers your sincere prayers. The real problem is that we don’t like His answers when He does not answer as we requested Him to answer.

I am only going to touch on what I choose to call selfish prayers. Those prayers we pray with a specific answer in mind. I am going to try to explain why God says no to those.

The issue was that he had prayed he would not go to jail nor be put under house arrest for drunk driving. He argues that he was not drunk and that he was under the breathalyzers limit. The court says he was driving erratically and was a danger to others. End of discussion!

He argued, “but I prayed that God would not let me go to jail or be under house arrest. God did not answer that prayer. Oh yes He did. God said no and told this man that he must accept responsibility for his behavior and pay the piper for his actions. God rarely ever delivers anyone from facing the consequences of their actions. If you screw up there are penalties to pay. No amount of prayer will remove those. You put your hand on the hot stove you will get burnt. You steal and get caught you will appear in court. You get caught breaking the speed limit you will pay the fine or go to jail. You pray for your will to be done, the answer is no.

Why do we think that because we love God and try (yes I said try) to do the right thing and we can escape the consequences of the wrong action? We don’t pay for everything in the next life we pay for plenty here and now. Drink to excess and be drunk enough you can loose your job, your family and your health. Those are consequences.

We are like little children dealing demanding that our parent comply. But you promised. Yes I did but on condition. I promised to take you to the park if you cleaned your room. You didn’t do that. But I want to go to the park. Yes, and I want you to clean your room. You’re mean. First the demand and then the accusation! Try looking at yourself.

So we accuse God when we do not get our own selfish way. We demand and argue but we do not obey. So I asked the man why there was still liquor in his apartment. After all, he had announced he no longer drank.

He has a fear of loosing his job. Possibly legitimate. Did he know that his drinking might affect his work? Yes. Did he care? Maybe, but he generally thought no one would notice. While it’s true people do not notice all the actions of others, God does and still holds you accountable. Reminds me of my own son screaming, “It’s not fair.” Really?


Boomer said...

Very good! I've never been able to explain it that good. God has always answered my prayers for which I have been so thankful for and blessed. I enjoyed what you wrote. God bless you.

Anonymous said...

I think this is the first time I've heard you preach on this site - quite well too! If they ask you to preach - preach this!
-Heidi F

Clyde said...

Actually, right after I finished I gathered a lot of Scripture on the subject and outlined a message. This is exactly what I would talk about. There is way to much anger at God for things we did or things that happen in the natural course of life.