Saturday, January 29, 2011


There’s been a round of bad news and some stupid news.

Elsie is a wonderful wheelchair bound gem of a lady who also happens to be a very talented artist. Her sketches of buildings are beautiful. She has been on oxygen since I have known her, but it has progressively gotten worse. She has pleaded with family and caregivers not to send her to the hospital she just wants to remain in her apartment. That is not going to happen. She was rushed to the hospital about a week ago because her legs had swollen to twice their normal size and she could barely breathe and she needed to be monitored. We learned today that she would not be coming back. They are going to try to keep that news from her. The powers that be believe it is in her best interests.

I am not in the loop to make decisions for Elsie, but if it were me. I would want to know regardless of what my druthers were. I doubt they can keep her very long before she figures it out. She has physical problems, not mental problems. They have moved her to a recovery center and she now has her cat with her. Doesn’t that say this is your new home?

Agnes has been having cancer treatments for several months now and her hair has recently grown back in and is a beautiful white and much more curly than previously. Of course she is crushed that she has had a set back.

Arlene has serious problems with her hip and walks one day and can barely move the next. I just never stops. Little helps relieve the pain.

That is the nature of living with and near older people. I have said this before, but since this is an independent living facility this is usually not the last stop on earth. Usually we are moved to the next step down the line to away the end. I know that sounds sad, but it is reality. None of us live forever and that topic comes up often. For some that brings fear, for others it is anticipation.

Now to put another spin on Elsie nearing that final day, the scavengers are already making plans for what they can get out of her apartment. I couldn’t believe it when one listed the things Elsie had that she hopes she can secure for herself. See, we also have vultures. No one mentioned the family. As was pointed out by one – none of the family really needs anything. Well, I have news for the vulture – she needs nothing herself.

It is complicated as some family members do give many of their loved ones things away. We also know that they should not set anything outside the apartment door, as it will be assumed they are up for grabs. Items to be given away disappear in seconds, not minutes. They only way to get first pick is to linger in the hallway during the cleaning phase.

I admit I find this practice strange. We all complain about how little space we have; yet some want more. I guess the best way to get more space in my own apartment is to set things outside my door. Now if I could only decide what to get rid of and how to booby trap it so it self destructs when they get it home.


Boomer said...

Your last sentence is a keeper!! I got a real chuckle out of it!

Cartoon Characters said...

we set stuff out on the street corner - and at the end of the day... it's all gone. One person's junk they say....

As for the vultures...honestly, people don't "need" stuff really, but they sure like momentos and things they remember their loved one with....How anyone not related (and even related sometimes!)can assume they "inherit" anything is beyond me!

I't pretty sad when the ability to care for oneself goes downhill and one has to move to a facility that gives a more care....if they can't afford the care in their own place - I am hoping for a quick death.