I am a very grateful person. I do not consider myself slow to give thanks, but I am often too quiet. There are few unexpected things that come my way for which I do not thank God. I am grateful for every good and perfect gift that comes from above. Neither am I unaware that most of those things came through people listening to the voice of God. To them I must express more thanks. I have begun working my way though the many people who lovingly surround me to make sure they know they are appreciated. They are and my family brings light to my existence.
I am in a strange phase of life. I visited my second doctor of the week today and told him I had to either get a completely new body or take this one in for a complete overhaul. After thinking for a while he suggested the full body overhaul. New bodies are hard to come by.
I am now being referred to an endless array of specialists. I am not an especially fearful person. My best friend who lives in another country (O Canada) is concerned about me often. I wrote to tell him of all that was happening and invited him to worry for me. He will. Of course, I didn’t have to ask and if one of us needs to worry, I would rather it be he than me. I love the Lord and am fine with my place in life. I joke with my daughter that I am worth more dead than alive. Don’t mistake any inference. I love life and am enjoying my place in life and have no interest in hastening the end, but I will welcome it when it comes.
Yesterday I met with a doctor to discuss an up coming colonoscopy and other rear end alignments issues. I like him and am OK with the procedure. I am not excited about it, but it is necessary. He also suggested that a number of other internal issues might relate to lactose intolerance. He asked me to cut out all dairy products for at least six months. Of course, I will but am crying about the lost of milk and ice cream. I am addicted to both. He told them there is soymilk and soy ice cream. Yuck! I had a housemate who was lactose intolerant. And he was surviving fine. I remember telling him at the time that I didn’t know if I could do it? We will now find out.
I am now being referred to a specialist about pain in my chest. No appointment yet. Today my own GP looked at my sore left foot and noticed that it turns in. I told it has turned in for 68 years. This is nothing new. He believes it may be the reason walking is getting increasingly difficult. My left foot starts hurting and then my right hip gives in. Now you know why I need an overhaul.
My eyesight is declining. I was recently given a prescription for new glasses but cannot afford them so continue to use what I have. I can see fine – until it gets dusky. The computer is fine. It has light behind the writing so I am doing my computer playing around as night begins to fall.
I’m sure there are other things that are wearing out. There seems to be a replacement for everything. I would rather keep the original equipment, but we do what we must. But with age comes increased medical issues. It is tough to accept a times, but we were not built to last forever. We wear out and our replacements are born everyday. I love the process of turning life over to my grandchildren just as long as they continue to love me in the process. They do. They make my day.
Buy Gelato!! It is fabulously smooth but it is a sorbet! It cleanses the palate wonderfully, gives as much pleasure as ice-cream, but only has 90 calories each 1/2 cup which is almost 1/2 the amount as icecream - but NO DAIRY!!
Only thing is...there is sugar in it. :)
I'm not to have sugar either. They may as well cut my tongue out. I know I cannot totally avoid milk. My favorite pie is pumpkin and it is just coming in season. Yikes! I did find a no milk recipe for pumpkin pie, but that means baking myself. I can't win for losing.
I am pretty much sure there is less sugar in sorbet than in icecream, if you were already eating icecream....... :)
You caught me. I limit my sugar intake, but have not eliminated it.
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