Saturday, November 27, 2010


I’ve returned from a couple days with my daughter’s in-laws. They are very warm, loving and accepting people. They have included me in family activities since my wife died. They always have a houseful of activity with plenty of kids running around.

I returned to have my ear bent by those enjoying the activities at The Home. I flew under the radar for the rest of Friday, but had to get some laundry done. I went to work on the puzzle while my wash was going. People pass and gather in this lounge.

The first report was what I wanted to hear. The group who go together for a Thanksgiving potluck had a great time. There were nine, ten or fourteen depending on who was reporting. I’ll just say there were eleven. Maria was frustrated. She wanted people told what to bring so there would not be an abundance of the same dish. This ticked the two primary organizers, as they did not want that kind of pressure on anyone. It turned out well anyway. Most people just ignored Maria and did what they wanted, and a good time was had by all.

Friday was another story. All personnel from the executive offices had the day off. It was an extended weekend. That meant our maintenance man also had the day off. Maria went around getting people together to decorate for Christmas. She wanted someone (meaning Gail) to call him and request that he open the storage cupboard so they could have access to the decorations. Gail pointed out that it was his day off and they her request was not an emergency and she would not call him. Naturally, this upset Maria. However she had another reason to be upset.

It seems people got tired of her orders and directions. Several told her that if she wanted the place decorated she could do it herself. They had no intention of helping. When she asked why, one woman told her directly. There is only one way to do it and it is your way. We put things out and you move them. Or you tell us where things go and how you want them set. It is not a building activity, it is your activity and we want to cut out the middleman and just let you do it.

Maria has competition from the first floor. The resident directly under her also likes things her way. The two will continue to move things around, or remove things they don’t like until the season is over. Then they will both adjust things for the next several months with each accusing the other of interference. They are two of a kind.

Rachel has other problems. On Tuesday she had a run in with Chas. Chas had a slice of pie and cup of tea. It was 4:00 when he noticed Olivia had not yet come down so he went to the kitchen to begin cleaning up. As he was coming out into the commons room, he ran into Ruth at the garbage can and asked, “Where did you get that plate.” “What difference does it make?” “It’s mine.” She was about to throw away the plate. Chas had intended to continue using it. He told her that he would appreciate it if she did not touch his things.

She asked why make such a big deal. It’s not a big deal just leave my things alone. Stop yelling. I’m not yelling. Verna, am I yelling? Don’t get anyone else involved in this?

Chas went back to the fireplace. After Olivia apologized to Verna for being forced into involvement, she came over to the fireplace. She told Chas that he was rude and owed her an apology. I was not rude, I simply asked you to leave my things alone. You are turning everyone against me because you don’t like me. That was not the point. I just asked that you leave my things alone. You have made complaints about me at the office and someone from there just laughed it off and told me not to worry. She denied saying she had ever expressed concerns about me being on the second floor, I laughed.

She lied about that. On multiple occasions she has tried to get me to agree that Chas should not be in this building.

From there an explosion occurred in which Olivia told Chas that he had no business being in The Home on the first floor, on the second floor or any floor. She told him she was going to file a restraining order against him and wanted him out of the building, out of this complex and out of this city.

Chas went down to the office to see if someone was there, and then went back in about five minutes and Olivia started the attacks all over again.

This may backfire on Mrs. Perfect. The people on top are weary of her complaints and constant requests of an extremely minor degree. This may not be the final nail, but it will become another nail in her coffin. It was of her that out last maintenance man said, I just wish she would wake up on day and decide to be happy. Amen!

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