Tuesday, March 30, 2010


OK, I'm still laughing. I got up late - went to bed at 2:00 a.m. when I finally gave up entering pictures on my Facebook page. So I got my coffee later than normal and returned to the puzzle table. Maria comes in a little later so I get an update on a doctors appointment today. They did not give her any more blood. That's why she went. Something was wrong. Plus they took her off iron. Just keep plugging. We worked and finished the puzzle.

Kiki came up to visit and let me know that I don't tell her she's beautiful like I do to Doris. WHAT? That's not my forte. Is it my job to butter up the women? I couldn't help it. I burst out laughing. I always call her "darrrling (Billy Crystal style)" and give her a side hug. Bur she is my age. Doris is old enough to be my mother. OK, so I flirt with most of the women. That is how I used to sell shoes — with flattery, smiles, winks and compliments. Now I'm trying to sale a degree of happiness and joy. Kiki obviously feels like she is not getting her fair share of love. But I always call you darrrling, give you a hug, invite you to the movies, go to eat with you, smile at you (and everyone everyone else - shush!). The more she went on about it the more I laughed. You could pass me my cue cards like Doris does. She doesn't do that. What was I suppose to say — you never look good? Slap my face. That would have turned the room to ice. So I poured on the sugar dipped in syrup and honey. The room was dripping and I kept pouring it on until she turned red. The more I turned it on the more Maria laughed, pulled up her pant legs and mentioned she was going to get her deep waders on because it was getting so deep in here. I ended with I have enough love to go around. Don't get jealous. I guess I'm God's gift to old women. What a laugh. I doubt I have ever been much of a gift. I won't change a thing. But I may pour on the syrup a little thicker. She may have to beg to get me to back off. Take it easy, I'm Joking!!!

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