Sunday, March 21, 2010


Got up for church today. Nice service. Two block walk. Very convenient. Highly motivated to clean. Got my living room done and the kitchen cleaned up. Bedroom needs emergency care. But that was not where my heart was. So I watched a lot of basketball and read "The Curse of Cain" by J. Mark Powell and L. D. Meagher — Civil War fiction about those planning to kidnap Abraham Lincoln. A fun and easy read. It has captured me. I should have finished cleaning or began a drawing - "I'll do it later, Mom!"

I finally got them to at least share their names. Could not get anything else. So I picked away at the puzzle off and on. That was easier than talking. Finally decided to plow into their lives. Everyone wants to talk about themselves - I thought. With most I had to dig to get anything. Dick was different. He was in his 90's and had an interesting life. He played pro football in the 20's. They played after their day job or weekends and got only a token of the owners appreciation. It really had to be just for fun. Loved talking to him. Daniel was also fairly interesting. He joked to the point of annoyance. Offended the women often. His comments were offensive, but funny. Had to control my laughter - keep a straight face no matter what.

Finally they began to report on each other. I found out who was naughty and who was nice, but the list changed a bit from person to person. I have rarely been influenced by what others think of someone. I need to find out for myself. I took the lists with a grain of salt, but could see a little of what others could see. This place was going to be fun. I would never have to watch a soap opera as there was one going on all around me. Gossip was high, stories strange, and complaints silly. And DO they ever complain. There would be little to talk about if it weren't for complaints. Yes, we can talk about health concerns. Everyone has them. That's part of why we're here. I never did study up on proper medical terms. They may as well be speaking Latin. I have no idea what they are saying. Oh, I get it, they mostly are speaking Latin. I thought that was a dead language? Wrong, wrong wrong.

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