We’re up again and cooking with gas. Not really. No gas in this building, but the other building has gas fireplaces and gas in the kitchen. Come to think of it we have no fireplaces. We are the poor cousins from across the driveway.
The first view of the Pool Room is toward the inside. There is a mirror on the wall behind a stereo system. The exit next to that takes you to a hallway. The hallway leads to the elevator, the mailboxes and the front entrance. To the right (and through the cut outs in the wall) is the commons room (also called the dining room). More people gather here in the last afternoon and evening hours. The morning and early afternoon people are usually in the commons room.
You can sit near the windows and watch the inlet with the many ducks, birds and our own neighborhood eagle. He lives in a tree right across the street. There is a road between us and the inlet, but once over to the other side a 3-4' drop and you are in the water at high tide. When the tide is at it lowest and weather at it hottest, one could walk to the other side of the inlet while feeling like you were following Moses parting the Red Sea.
The final photo is the fireplace in the pool room. On a cold winter (spring or fall) day many will pull chairs around the fire even for coffee. It's a warm place to be.
Well, I'm off to get ready for the continuing saga of Olivia hates Chas. Round three of the group beating begins in a hour. They call it counseling but I disagree. Chas plans to go. I told him that I did not want to go, but I would not let him go in there alone. Gail made other plans. I may blog later to day, but more likely it will be tomorrow morning after my head has cleared and my heart begins to mend.
I don't comment much anymore because I see there are a few people that I know that read you that I know...and I don't want them coming over to my blog! ;)
Otherwise I would be commenting more...
I do read you blog everyday that you post - just to reassure you! :)
I would be surprised if you were recognized. That's not an easy to read through name. If you want to comment privately, use my email cswalker42@yahoo.com
;) actually I know MOST of your followers! :)
Either went to college with them, church with them, dated them or are related to them. :)
Come to think of it, if the one I went to ever went to my blog, they would definitely recognize me. :)
I actually stay incognito mostly because of my job.
oops, i meant the one I am related to...ever went to my blog....OOPS! ;)
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